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Experience the magic...

Classes for pregnancy,
baby and beyond

  • Baby massage
  • Baby reflexology
  • Baby yoga
  • Pregnancy relaxation
  • Sharing & support circles
  • Events
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Award-winning classes

Absolutely loved this course and my baby enjoyed it too! I would highly recommend this to anybody.

Katie and baby Violet

Very relaxed atmosphere, no pressure to complete massage and just do what you can and what baby allows.

Simon and baby Amelia

Thoroughly enjoyed baby massage and yoga thank you :) 

Molly and baby Blake







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Join our team and become a franchisee

Interested in learning more about becoming a Basking Babies franchisee? Click the link below to find out more and download our prospectus. 
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Our awards & recognitions

Basking Babies is a multi-award-winning brand. We have received a number of nominations, commendations, and wins for our classes, support services and more!